NOVEMBER 16, 2023

Where do you keep your bicycle?

If we want to support more people living in cities, who can, to ditch their polluting cars and to use bikes instead, then our city leaders need to make it as convenient and safe as possible.

In London, we believe this means ending the huge waiting lists for secure cycle storage once and for all.

Research by Transport for London has shown more than half of Londoners see a lack of cycle parking as a key deterrent to cycling.

In our new report, produced by the transport consultancy Steer, we examine the current rollout of residential cycle parking demand and provision in London as follow-up to our #ThisIsAwkward campaign.

Our report exposes a growing demand for secure cycle storage across London that far exceeds supply, with rollout varying a lot depending on where people live. Only seven boroughs in London will meet current demand by 2026 and waiting lists will remain more than double the planned rollout in many areas. We take time to shine a spotlight on the London borough of Lambeth, where a lot of action is being taken to help residents access secure cycle storage.

Key Findings

policy recommendations

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This project is supported by

Impact on Urban Health

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