On 4 February 2024, Paris will hold a public vote in which citizens can decide on higher parking fees for SUVs.
If voted in favour, parking fees in Paris for all diesel, petrol and hybrid cars heavier than 1.6 tonnes and all electric cars above 2 tonnes would increase significantly – and this would contribute to saving space, reducing pollution and increasing safety.
According to recent polling we conducted with Respire, more than 6 out of 10 Parisians are in favour of increasing parking charges for large, heavy and more polluting vehicles, and the majority have a negative opinion of SUVs overall.
Ahead of the vote, we’ve put together a briefing and short factsheet to answer some of the most commonly asked questions:
À Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, plus votre voiture est lourde et polluante, plus le tarif du stationnement sera élevé. Dans la capitale, l’opinion y est même favorable, selon un sondage que nous révélons.
New cars have become so bloated that half of them are too wide to fit in parking spaces designed to the minimum on-street standards in many countries, the report found.
“We are hoping for a Yes vote in the referendum so that Paris can show leadership on regulating large vehicles in urban areas,” Jens Müller, deputy director of Clean Cities Campaign, said.