Stop SUV!

Sports utility vehicles (SUVs) are bigger, more dangerous and more polluting than your average car. 

On Sunday 4 February, Parisians have the chance to send a clear message to other cities in France and around the world: SUVs are NOT fit for our cities.

Use the resources on this page to spread the word far and wide that it’s time to #StopSUV in our cities. And, of course, if you’re in Paris, be sure to vote in the referendum on 4 February! 

join the conversation on social media

Help us make waves my sharing these images on your social media channels with the hashtag #StopSUV

why does this matter?

SUVs are taking up increasingly more space on our streets. This has huge consequences on our environment, health, road safety, the use of public space. 


SUVs are taking up more and more public space, to the detriment of other mobility solutions. Compared to a standard car, an SUV weighs 200 kg more, measures 25 cm more in length and 10 cm more in width!
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On average, SUVs consume around 20% more fuel than an average medium-size non-SUV car. They also emit more particles from brakes and tyres due to their weight.
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more dangerous

Accidents involving an SUV are twice as deadly for pedestrians as those involving a standard car.
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what do parisians say about it?

Ahead of the referendum, OpinionWay carried out a survey for Clean Cities and Association Respire. 61% of those polled agree with the proposal from the city of Paris to establish parking pricing specific to SUVs. To learn more, see the media coverage below.

À Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, plus votre voiture est lourde et polluante, plus le tarif du stationnement sera élevé. Dans la capitale, l’opinion y est même favorable, selon un sondage que nous révélons.

L’institut OpinionWay a réalisé un sondage pour l’association Respire et ses ONG partenaires portant sur la place des SUV à Paris, à moins de trois semaines de la tenue d’une votation citoyenne par la ville sur ce sujet.

Alors que la mairie de Paris organise le 4 février une votation citoyenne sur la place des SUV dans la capitale, un sondage commandé par deux associations écologistes montre que les habitants sont majoritairement pour un tarif de stationnement spécifique pour les véhicules plus lourds. 

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