Why clean cities

Transport is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, driving dangerous global heating. Air pollution, mostly from diesel vehicles, is a public health crisis causing around 300,000 early deaths across Europe every year.

Rolling out measures to clean up transport in cities – such as low- and zero-emission zones, School Streets, more walking and cycling infrastructure, and better parking policies – have significant benefits for residents, from cleaner air to clearer roads.

Why clean up transport in cities?

Reducing carbon emissions from city traffic helps secure a safe climate for future generations, cleans up our air and puts people at the heart of how we design our cities.

reduced carbon emissions

To limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, emissions must peak and decline rapidly. In Europe, transport accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and is one of the few sectors where emissions are higher now than in 1990.
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cleaner air

Living in a major European city likely means breathing unsafe air. These toxic emissions are linked to asthma, anxiety, chronic lung disease, stunting, and are especially harmful to children. Cleaning up transport will lead to cleaner, healthier air for everyone.
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less congestion

In Europe's 25 most congested cities, drivers lose an average of 90 hours due to traffic. By promoting active and shared mobility options like shared bikes, e-scooters, and cycle-to-work schemes, cities can reduce congestion and give people more time for what matters.
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quieter roads

Removing older, noisier fossil-fueled cars from city roads reduces air pollution, CO2 emissions and noise pollution. Noise pollution significantly impacts physical and mental well-being, including cardiovascular health, focus and sleep quality.
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fewer collisions

Over 20,000 people lost their lives on EU roads in 2022. Reducing emissions and transforming our cities will also make them safer. bike lanes, wider pavements, School Streets, lower speed limits, and fewer motorised vehicles will lead to less fatal and serious injuries.

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