City Ranking: 2022 edition

We tested 36 European cities to see whether they’re on the right track to reach zero-emission mobility by 2030.

Scroll down for the main results and tag your mayor on social media to tell them to step up their game!

How prepared are cities to clean up transport?


We scored cities across the following five categories:

Space for people

Score based on the lengths of separated pedestrian footways and all cycling paths compared to the total length of the city road network, as well as the average of TomTom traffic congestion index over 3 years

Safe roads

Score based on the number of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities over three years compared to the population of the city

Access to climate-friendly mobility

Score based on the affordability and accessibility of public transport, and access to public and semi-public electric vehicle charging stations


Score based on whether zero/low emission zones are in place or planned, whether phasing out the sales of polluting cars is planned, and whether bike/car sharing and integrated public transport tickets/apps exist

Clean air

Score based on 3-year annual mean concentrations and the trends of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 over 5 years, with a stronger focus on traffic stations


Download the full report now!
Bloomberg logo

Biking Paradise Oslo Is Closest in Europe to No-Emission Travel

With its relatively safe roads for walkers and cyclists, Norway’s capital is doing better than 35 other cities ranked by their efforts to create pollution-free transportation. 

Le Soir logo / Twitter profile image

Mobilité durable: les villes belges à la traîne

Dans un classement de 36 villes européennes, Bruxelles, Liège, Gand et Anvers ont du mal à tirer leur épingle du jeu en matière de mobilité « zéro émission ».

The Independent logo / Twitter profile pic

London, Manchester and Birmingham ranked three most expensive cities in Europe for public transport

Study of 36 major cities across continent found England’s biggest at the bottom in terms of affordability. 

El Diario logo / Twitter profile pic

A Madrid y Barcelona todavía les queda un largo camino para conseguir una movilidad limpia

Un estudio revela lo lejos que están de otras urbes más avanzadas como París, Oslo o Ámsterdam para el objetivo de cero emisiones en 2030.

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