CHOOSE the school, the road and the action that best fits your context. Here are some examples of what you can do:
SEND an invitation via email WhatsApp and/or through your school newsletter, and start posting on social media using #StreetsForKids to spread the word about the initiative as widely as possible: ideally any small group of parents and teachers can speak up and organise an action in front of a school.
REGISTER your event on our website so it can be seen by all and help build momentum across Europe.
WRITE to the press, city officials, municipal managers, school managers and keep posting on social media.
SPREAD the news and post on social media (#StreetsForKids) and let everyone know. In the days leading up to the event, call the press and make sure you have a photographer with you (anyone who knows how to take good pictures). Remember to make sure you have the parent, guardian or school’s permission to take and share photos and videos!
On the day of action: HAVE FUN and take the best photos of your action, post them with the hashtag #StreetsForKids (but make sure you have a signed permission/release form first!) and send it to us as soon as possible so we can help spread the word.