Add your event to the Streets For Kids & kidical mass maps!

Fill in the form below to add your event details to the Streets For Kids map. The event information will also feature on the map of our partners, Kidical Mass. 

Feel free to complete the form in your own language!

streets for kids autumn 2023 banner web english
I am / we are a…*
Who is organising the event?*
Write your name here
Contact email address*
Give us the best email address to contact you on (it will not be publicly displayed)
Information about the event:
Event country*
Country where the event will take place
Event city*
City where the event will take place
Full address (street, city, country)*
Start typing and select an address from the list
Event name*
Please enter the name of your event. It must be no longer than 60 characters.
Event page
Website/Facebook event page (if you have one)
Date, start/end time your event will take place *
For example: 21/04/2023, 14:00 – 17:00
Event description*
Share a short description of your event. For example: “We will block traffic near our school with games”. (max 300 char.)
Data consent:*
Communication consent (optional):
La Campagna Clean Cities utilizzerà le informazioni da te fornite per contattarti in merito ai suoi prodotti e servizi. È possibile annullare l'iscrizione a queste e-mail in qualsiasi momento.