Parents and children call for #StreetsForKids!

What is a School Street?

School Streets transform the space around schools by prioritising walking and cycling over driving. At school drop-off and pick-up times, only pedestrians and cyclists are allowed to use the roads.

From the 6 to 15 of May 2022, parents and children from across Europe celebrated making our streets safer as part of our #StreetsForKids campaign. Explore our map of 389 actions, photos and videos from the big days.

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Find out more about School Streets

Download the report prepared by BYCS in collaboration with the Clean Cities Campaign!

Streets For Kids was delivered in partnership with

Bike to School


Cittadini per l'aria


Ecologistas en Acción

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Kidical Mass

Kidical Mass

La Rue Est À Nous


Les chercheurs d'air

Living Streets

Mums for Lungs

Hackney New Primary School parents

Parents’ Air Quality and Road Safety Group at HNPS


Revuelta Escolar

Revuelta Escolar

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